WHFD Reminds Residents and Visitors of Available Access to Local Weather Station and Tide Gauge Information
By Chief Robert Peacock
June 21, 2020

Just as a reminder the Watch Hill Fire Department website has direct links to local weather and tidal gauge.

Simply click on the links on the main page.

The weather station is located at the Watch Hill Fire Station. It is 33’ above sea level at 41.32 North and 71.85 West. The weather station continuously measures and reports current conditions including, temperature, dew point, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, precipitation rate, precipitation accumulation, barometric pressure, ultra violet risk, and solar radiation. In addition to current conditions, the station also provides historical graphs with daily, weekly, and monthly data.

The Watch Hill Cove tide gauge is located at the Watch Hill Fire District dock at 41.18 North and 71. 51 West. The gauge provides current tidal height as well as air temperature, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, barometric pressure, and precipitation totals. Data are also available in graph form for the past 120 days.