Watch Hill Firefighters Assist in Fighting a Brush Fire in Exeter
By Chief Robert Peacock
April 14, 2017

Watch Hill firefighters joined numerous firefighters and fire departments from throughout Washington County to extinguish a large, quick moving brush fire located behind a residential neighborhood along South County Trail in the area of the South Kingstown and Exeter town line. Firefighters from fire departments in Exeter, South Kingstown, Carolina, Ashaway, Charlestown, Narragansett, Hope Valley, Dunn’s Corners and Watch Hill responded to the scene and worked together for several hours to extinguish the fire.

The fire was located in the area of Hundred Acre Pond and firefighters established multiple safe zones and attack points from locations.

The fire was reported around noon and mutual aid was quickly requested by the arriving firefighters. No homes were directly affected but several residents were evacuated as a precaution.

Firefighters were able to contain the blaze within forty-five minutes and were able to clear the scene several hours later after overhauling the area carefully and ensuring that the fire was completely extinguished.

Residents are reminded that the weather conditions in April and May create a greater risk of brush and forest fires as the temperature warms up and the lack of leaves on the trees allows sunlight to shine onto the forest floor and create very dry and easily ignitable fuel.